Case Study: Critical Hit Design

Critical Hit DesignWhen Adobe announced they were discontinuing their Business Catalyst and Muse web platforms, it affected a lot of graphic designers who had embraced the platform. We talked to Emily Detmer of Critical Hit Design about a number of different ways we could build a website for her. We discussed her art, fabric art, and graphic design work, how it all tied together, and what direction she was taking her business in the future.

We went back and forth on a number of ideas. Ultimately we determined:

  1. That her standing as a podcast host in the world of tabletop gaming is an advantage, a positive point of difference, and a core piece of her brand.
  2. That her work as a designer and artist, regardless of the medium, contributes to her personal brand as a creative.
  3. That she wanted to lead with her diverse portfolio or work.
  4. She was tired of babysitting her website.

She decided that an Elevator Site was all she needed to strongly brand her business and showcase her work.

Version2 regularly works with graphic designers, and Emily is well versed in web design, so it was a joy to take her vision and customize an Elevator Site for her.

Critical Hit Design

Our Work, Elevator Site